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Mets on oluline. Paljudel eestimaalastel on metsaga isiklik suhe. Seda näitasid ka tugevad metsa hoidvad seisukohad metsaseeriaga samal ajal alanud metsadebatis. Meie jaoks tavaline harjumus metsas käia on aga maailmas elitaarne luksus. Maaliseeria lähteideeks on metsik ruum. Eesti keeles seostub sõna metsik (ürgne, tsiviliseerimata, mittekultuurne) metsaga. Metsamaalid toimivad sissevaatena Eestimaa metsa, rõhutades esmapilgul monotoonsena näivat puude rütmi.

Eksponeeritud grupinäitusel "Puud" Tartu Kunstimajas, augustis 2016 ning isiknäitusel "Lõputu talv" kohvikus Boheem 2017 märtsis.

Grupinäitusest "Puud": Viio Aitsam, "Tunnetatud mets, ressurss, mida saeveskisse ei saada", Eesti Mets (3/2016, 54-55).

Forest is important. A lot of Estonians have a personal relationship with forests and practice lifestyles closely linked to forests. This can be validated with the strong arguments for forest in the forest debate which started simultaneously with this series of forest paintings. Lifestyle which is so closely linked to forest is rare in the world.

'Wild space' is the initial concept for this series of paintings. In Estonian, 'wild' ' (metsik) comes from 'forest' (mets). Wilderness was opposed to the cultivated Christian land already in the Middle Ages, offering a good target for conquest in the role of "the other". Though most of the forests have felt the organizing hand of the human, for instance for forestry or nature tourism, their charm lays in the uncivilized structure. Paintings of forests act as views into the Estonian forest focusing on the rhythm of trees.

The works have been exhibited at group exhibitions "Trees" in Tartu Art House, in August 2016, also at solo exhibition "Endless Winter" in cafe Boheem, March 2017.

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